The Hidden Meaning of Liberty Paints
Invisible Man, written by Ralph Ellison, and published in 1952, follows an unnamed narrator through his life, beginning at college in the deep south, then moving to New York City. The narrator comes to find that New York carries many of the same racist qualities he thought he left behind in the south. The narrator’s life is written by Ellison in such a way that because of his sense of invisibility, feels surreal to the reader. One of the first jobs he obtains is with a company called Liberty Paints, famous for their “optic white” paint. While at first glance “Liberty Paints” may appear to be a seemingly normal title for a paint company, it carries a lot of symbolism throughout the chapter. The name of the company, “Liberty Paints” and their slogan “Keep America Pure with Liberty Paints” allows for much interpretation. Not only does the name itself push the rhetoric that whiteness and liberty go hand in hand and therefore insinuating that black individuals will never experience the...